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Main Office

The official logo of Van Burn Elementary Main Office, showcasing a flame motif and school name.
Main Office Office Hours: 8:00am to 4:00pm


School Secretary - Mrs.Figueroa (315) 638-6121

Attendance/Main Office - Miss Griffo: (315) 638-6121

Health Office (Mrs.Tortorelli): (315) 638-6123

Fax: (315) 638-6170




To maintain the safety of all students at Van Buren, we ask all visitors to enter through the main doors at the bus loop and adhere to the following security procedures. 

At the main front doors, use the security pad and camera to identify yourself and the purpose of your visit. When you are buzzed in, please report directly to the main office transaction window. If you are dropping off something for a student, please leave it with the main office staff who will deliver it to your child. If you wish to visit any part of the building for a previously scheduled appointment or event, you must obtain a Visitor’s Badge by presenting a driver's license which will be scanned to produce the visitor badge. This process takes about 30 to 45 seconds. For the safety and security of all students, parents and visitors are not permitted to walk the halls, go to any classroom, cafeteria or playground without a visitor pass. This includes arrival and dismissal times.

All visitors must present their ID when entering the building, even if you have had your ID previously scanned.




The Parent Portal contains academic information such as report cards, assessments and school attendance. We urge you to take a moment to log into the portal and look around. If your contact information needs to be updated, please call the Main Office at 315-638-6121.  Current contact information will ensure that you continue to receive important communications from school. If you are unable to log-into the parent portal for any reason, call the main office for assistance.  User names and passwords can be upgraded upon request.

Report cards are available to you through Parent Portal. A printed copy may be obtained upon request. 




New York State Law requires School Boards to adopt a policy implementing procedures to notify parents if their child is absent from school and the parent has not notified the school. In order to minimize interruptions and inconvenience to you, we request that you contact the school in advance to let the office know that your child will be absent or late, and for what reason.

On the day of your child's absence/tardiness you will need to:

  1. Complete the form linked here, or

  2. Call the Main Office, (315) 638-6121, and leave a message indicating: your child's name, teacher, date of absence/tardiness, and the reason. This can be done 24 hours a day / 7 days a week by using the school's voicemail system, or

  3. Email Miss Griffo at with the same information noted above.

Please come to the main office if you are signing out a student who is ill or has an appointment outside of school. The nurse's office is located across from the main office.




Student Drop Off:

Please remember that if you are dropping off after 8:45am, your child needs to enter through the main entrance, accompanied by a parent who must sign their child in at the transaction window.


After School Parent Pick Up:

You must inform the main office, in advance, of your intent to pick up your child.

  • Students being picked up are called to the APR at 3:15pm.

  • Parents park on Ford Street (not in the bus loop) and enter through the main doors

  • Parent (or other adult designated by a custodial parent) must provide photo identification in order to sign out your student

To ensure accurate dismissal and student safety, we cannot accommodate dismissal changes, including transportation requests, after 2:00pm.



A walker is a student who has written parental permission on file to leave school and walk home unattended by an adult. Please keep in mind there is no supervision available outside before school begins nor on playgrounds after school.




If your child needs to be transported to/from a daycare or a sitter for the 2022-2023 school year, you must submit a request form to the Transportation Department before August 20, 2022 to ensure that your child has transportation at the beginning of the school year. You must submit a request form for day care/sitter transportation every year, even if your daycare/sitter has not changed from the previous year.  No changes will be made to bus routes during the two weeks preceding the 1st day of school.

Download a Daycare/Sitter Request Form from the Transportation Department page on Bville website.



Important Information from the Nurses Office

ATTENTION PARENTS: Changes to School Health Exam Schedule and Immunization Requirements (effective July 1, 2019) and health exam forms can be found by visiting Baldwinsville's Nurses Page.



The school nurse cannot give any over-the-counter medications without a note from a physician. 

Occasionally it may be necessary for a student to take prescription or non-prescription medication during school hours. For all medication that must be administered during the school day,  parents/guardians must bring in the medication to the Health Office. All medication must be in its original container along with a permission note signed by a physician. The note must include information such as dosage, frequency, and the name of the prescribed medication. 


Early Dismissal

Please come to the Main Office if you are signing out a student who is ill or has an appointment outside of school. The Health Office is located across from the Main Office.


Lost & Found

If your child has misplaced any articles of clothing, lunch time containers, or school related items, have them check the Lost and Found. It is located in the APR.  It will be cleaned out at the end of each quarter.  Any items not picked up will be donated.

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